Here we put the DTD in a schema area separate from XML data in a rather unusual manner.
We do this so that we can contrast between using DTD and XML Schema for the same
XML data. Of course you can embed the DTD with the XML data in the usual manner or
put the DTD in an external file.
When we generate the form, we get the following. The forms in the rest of this
page are generated using Mozilla and are mainly for display and not really "live".
If you actually want to play around with it you should actually generate the form.
This looks very similar to the form generated without the DTD in the
previous chapter. The only noticeable difference is the country attribute in shipTo and
billTo element is a select list with only 1 item. We know from the DTD that the
attribute has a fixed value. This is the way we show that the value is fixed.
This is like you can have any color as long as it is black. If the DTD shows that
the attribute has a choice of enumerated items, then it will be shown as a selected
list with the valid options.
Very often when the form is first generated, it shows a JavaScript confirm alert
indicating the XML document is not valid. This is because when the forms starts
up, we do a verification against the DTD/Schema. If the XML document does not
conform, the error alert would come up.
Verification code are on the client side and the equivalent code is not duplicated
on the server side. The client side in general assumes the DTD/Schema is correct.
Therefore error in the DTD/Schema are often caught on the client side and not the
server side. Sometimes DTD/Schema errors are not caught at all. Although this will
improve in the future, you should try to validate the DTD/Schema with some other tools.
If you provides a DTD but no XML data, then the generator would generate
a blank XML instance document from the DTD. Using the same DTD in the
previous example, we get the following XML instance document.
<purchaseOrder orderDate=""> <shipTo country="US"> <name></name> <street></street> <city></city> <state></state> <zip></zip> </shipTo> <billTo country="US"> <name></name> <street></street> <city></city> <state></state> <zip></zip> </billTo> <comment></comment> <items> <item partNum=""> <productName></productName> <quantity></quantity> <USPrice></USPrice> <comment></comment> <shipDate></shipDate> </item> <item partNum=""> <productName></productName> <quantity></quantity> <USPrice></USPrice> <comment></comment> <shipDate></shipDate> </item> </items> </purchaseOrder>
Note that the item* generates two item elements.
This is used as a hint that there can be multiple item elements.
If elements in the DTD are defined recursively, then we would only go down 1 level in the
recursion to avoid an infinite size document. For example, using the following DTD
<!DOCTYPE folder [
<!ELEMENT folder (folder*, file*)>
<!ATTLIST folder folderName CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST file fileDescription CDATA #REQUIRED>
We get the following instance document. It shows you that there can be folders within folder. We also keep the document to a reasonable size rather than let it run wild. Just for fun, we shall use multi-words label.
The XML document can either be verified against the DTD during editing, or it can
be verified on demand from the user.
If any change in data is verified during editing, then the editor will try to make
the XML data agree with the DTD all the time. Sometimes this may not be a good idea.
Suppose you have a content model (alpha, beta)*. Currently the editor only let you
insert or delete one element at a time. If you add the alpha element, then the data
does not agree with the DTD, and you have to add the beta element to bring
it in agreement with the DTD again. However, if the data has to be in agreement with
DTD all the time, then you cannot add the alpha beta pair of elements.
Therefore we have give you preference flags to control how much verification you want.
Check Schema during editing: if this flag is off, there is absolutely no verification
during editing. If it is on, then items that are changed are being checked to see if
the result agree with the DTD. The checking gives you a warning, but it may or may not
prevent you from making the change.
Always conform to Schema during editing: if this flag is on, then the editor will
try to prevent you from making the change. So if you try to insert an element but
the result does not agree with the content model, then you cannot do it. This also
means that you cannot create new class of elements from the menu. If this flag
is off, then there is a warning. If you insists, you can still make the change.
You can also create new class of elements. However, currently the existing schema
is not updated when you violate the schema. So even if you are allowed to make
these non-conforming changes, the document will not pass verification.
The verification checks on DTD content model, it also check on the data. Suppose an
attribute is specified as NMTOKEN and verification is on. After you modified
the attribute and move on the next field, it would check to see if you did enter
a NMTOKEN. Currently it is possible to get around it but it will be fixed later.
If no error is found, we will finish with nothing selected. If there is an error,
there will be an alert dialog and the guilty element is selected (because of
browser bug, the selection often does not show up when the alert is up.
Since the DTD does not provide any message, the editor generate an error message
to try to describe the problem. Here is an example
It not difficult to see that the problem is the quantity is missing.
Better message may be provided with annotation in schema. This will be discussed
in the schema chapter.
If you hit cancel, then the verification stops and the last error element is
selected. If you hit OK, then the editor would look for more errors in the originally
selected element. Following the same example, it would find the error that the
part number is not a valid token, select the part number field and show the error
The two verification flags can be set from the form generator. You can also change
it during editing. These two flags are on the preference dialog (in fact currently
they are the only flags on the preference) and you can change it from there. Here is
what the preference dialog looks like.
I believe that most DTD features are already supported. Some exceptions are notation which is rarely used and hence I am in no hurry to implement. Entities are also not yet supported because I have not decided how much support is necessary.
The schema verification in the editor is meant to be general and not specific to
any particular schema language. Of course it must be general enough to support DTD
now and XSD later, and maybe other schema languages after that. The current implementation is
not sufficient for XSD, and that is one reason why only DTD is supported now.
However, there are a lot of features implemented that are beyond DTD. In particular,
most of the predefined XSD datatype support are already in the editor.
Since it will be a while before XSD will be supported, in the mean time for testing
purpose I have been using an extended DTD to test some of these feature. This extension
will go away when XSD is supported. These extensions should only be used for
using DTD to generate XML document because no other parser, including the parser in
the cgi of the form generator, would support these extensions.
On the bounds of XML elements, besides the usual ?+* used by DTD, you can also use
{n}, {n,}, {n,m}.
DTD has predefined datatypes such as ID, IDREF, NMTOKEN. You can also replace them
with most of the XSD predefined datatypes such as Name, NCName, boolean, base64binary,
hexbinary, float, double, anyURI, decimal, integer, nonPositiveInteger, negativeInteger,
long, int, short, byte, nonNegativeInteger, ussignedLong, unsignedInt, unsignedShort,
unsignedByte, positiveInteger, duration, dateTime, time, date, geYearMonth, gYear, gMonth,
gDay and gMonth. You can also have a list datatype by appending the predefined datatype
with *. For example, integer* stands for a list of integers.
There are also other features used to support XSD, but I don't want to make a lot of changes
to the DTD parser, so they are not tested from the DTD.